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The Rules Of The Mind - Instructional MP3

The Rules Of The Mind - Instructional MP3 - Copyright 2008.  Learn the 12 Rules Of The Mind and how they can help you improve your life.


The Rules of the Mind 

1. Everything begins in thought.

2. Thoughts are things.

3. Every thought or idea causes a physical reaction.

4. Your mind tends to move in the dominant direction of your thoughts.

5. What you expect tends to be realized. You become what you think about.

6. Words and thoughts have no power over you. The only power they have is the power that you give to them.

7. Imagination is more powerful than knowledge when dealing with the mind. Reason is easily overruled by imagination. Whenever imagination and logic are in conflict, imagination usually wins.

8. Opposing ideas cannot be held at one and the same time.

9. Once an idea has been accepted by the subconscious mind, it remains until it is replaced by another idea. And the longer the idea remains, the more opposition there is to replacing it with a new idea.

10. An emotionally induced symptom tends to cause organic change if persisted long enough (Psychosomatic illness.)

11. Each suggestion acted upon creates less opposition to successive suggestion.

12. When dealing with the subconscious mind and its functions, the greater the conscious effort, the less the subconscious response.