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Relax Now! Self-Hypnosis MP3

Relax Now! Self-Hypnosis MP3 - Copyright 2008.  Eliminate stress, anxiety, worry, and insomnia! Background Music


Copyright 2003 Michael Stevenson. 


How To Use Your Self-Hypnosis Products

The following instructions provide the necessary guidelines to maximize your effectiveness with the self-hypnosis mp3 so that you enjoy the most rapid and powerful results.

· Listen to your self-hypnosis program for twenty-one consecutive days. This conditions you to respond to the suggestions more rapidly.

· Stick to only one program for at least twenty-one consecutive days. When you use several self-hypnosis programs at the same time, you overload and confuse the subconscious mind.

· If, while listening to your program, your conscious awareness drifts away and you feel you might have gone to sleep for a brief period, do not be concerned. As long as you become aware at the end of the tape or shortly after, you can be sure that your subconscious mind has been absorbing the suggestions. DO NOT try to concentrate while listening to your mp3. Let your mind drift where it will.

· Finally, avoid analyzing and asking yourself questions while you are in the hypnotic state of mind.

The success of self-hypnosis mp3’s has been shown to be as follows in scientific research:

· 21% report results starting within six days.
· 38% report results starting within fifteen days.
· 28% report results starting within thirty days.
· 10% report results starting within sixty days.
· 3% report minimal results.

Change occurs rapidly when you reach the point of readiness for change. If you discover that you are not responding quickly or not experiencing rapid change you may be overly anxious - this will inhibit results. When dealing with the subconscious mind you need to take it easy, allow change to happen, you cannot force it to happen. You may be subconsciously resistant or poorly motivated to change. Continued practice will dissolve your resistance. You may be over controlled and have a fear of letting go. Continued practice will subtly and surely overcome this fear. No one can predict the exact moment when you are ready for change - you must persist! Do not give up and never give in. Continue until you have replaced the negative ideas of your deeper mind and you begin to experience the positive results that you truly deserve.